Installed on the bottom slat and guide rail assembly
L02 Lock with Bars
Installed on bottom slat
Engages both guide rails when locked
L03 Slide Lock
Installed on bottom slat
Great solution for counter shutters to secure from non-public side
L05 Plunger Lock
Installed on the guide rail
Locks into locking slat installed on slat curtain
Removable core
L06 Code Lock
Installed on the guide rail
Operates with a locking cam
Can hold two separate codes
Good for providing access to multiple people
L07 Keyless Thumb Lock
Installed on bottom slat
Engages both guide rails when locked
Outstanding choices for counter shutters
Rollok has a wide selection of external stops to fit any tambour door, rolling security door or shutter solution, as well as internal stops, both in design and funcition.